

I'm Debbie!

I ditched a life of striving and the constant pursuit of 'more' and instead discovered peace and immense fulfilment being a wife, mother and homemaker. Your presence matters.

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Be The Gatekeeper Of Your Family's Health & Wellness

My Journey Of Walking Out Traditional Values In A Modern World

Honouring My Role As A Wife, Mother & Homemaker


That is durable and indestructable. That’s some big claims.

Yet as a mother, I wanted my daily bag to be stylish enough to take anywhere yet practical enough to withstand the dirt, food, sticks (yes, many of them that needed to come home) and immense about of items needed to navigate life with a child.

Like any new mumma to be I went on a research and buying rampage before Jake was born. Suddenly I had full permission to buy whatever I needed (and wanted) for our little baby boy.

We had financially planned for this shopping spree by putting away a set amount per week from the moment we found out we were pregnant…so when the third trimester came along the iphone became my favourite device.

I researched every item from the palm of my hand. Oh what joy Mr Google brings

But when it came to choosing the diaper bag I just couldn’t set my heart on anything.

The ones I actually liked where up around $300 AUD.

This is what you would pay for beautiful designer handbag?! It just didn’t make sense?

Now I know that this diaper bag would be attached to my right hip but I just didn’t l-o-v-e the options available.

Enter ‘Tote Savvy’


I’m not sure where (or at what hour of the day) the heavens opened and the angels sung but it was no doubt on a mumma blog or winding down the Instasphere path*

(*when you find a great instagram account, that links to another great insta account, and then another. And before you know it you have followed 468 inspiring instagram accounts).

I came across the most intelligent idea I ever did see (oh, apart from Plane Pal) brought to us by Tote Savvy.

Designed by Lauren who found herself disappointed with the selection of diaper bags available (um, yes. me too!) and instead opted to carry a favorite tote bag in lieu of a diaper bag (yep. Me again!) but quickly discovered how unorganized and chaotic my tote had become (and again… me. She wrote the words from my head)

So of course the moment I laid eyes on their website they had be at ‘Make Any Bag A Diaper Bag’.

Why spend a small fortune on a nappy bag when we can buy a new tote and create a diaper bag and new hand bag in one.

Freakin’ genius!

(and yes husband’s, even though we now have a solution to making ‘any’ bag a diaper bag we still need a new handbag because really, we would have bought an ugly diaper bag anyways #justsaying #thatshowIjustifedit)

So which are my favourite totes to rock your new non-diaper bag?

State of Escape & Prene are my top picks.

State of Escape was the first to launch of this kind of bag which is just a given for any mumma (if you live in Australia, you would know as EVERYONE seems to have one).

They are machine washable which basically means – just get it.

Because what bag looks stylish and yet is oh so practical that you simply throw it in the wash when food, drink, dirt and mess inevitably makes it way to the bag

Prene is the more cost effective option.

Mine has lasted 4.5 years and stood the test of DAILY use as a mother; including contents such as rocks, sticks, dirt, sand, extremely heavy items (and still the straps do not break), leaked food and more… It’s only now with baby #2 that I am investing in the exact same bag.

That works out to be $0.20c per day (price per wear is what matters, right?), which is actually super cost effective and as a conscious mother this ticks my box of values.

With love,

Debbie x

main image source: here


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the girl behind the blog

Accidental homemaker, sourdough lover and amateur 'make from scratch' cook, pursuing a path of purity in a tainted world. Also known as the 'million ideas' woman, I'm obsessed with online business and pinning images of modern homesteading.

Most importantly, I am a wife and mother navigating the lost skills of homemaking. I spent the last twelve years as an A-type over achiever striving to attain alllll the things, only to discover that destiny had a different - and much more beautiful plan. One I could have never imagined! I walked away from everything, closed down my coaching business, deleted my courses, youtube channel and every part of who I was for over a decade...then stepped out into this new way of living.

Read my story of redemption here...

Hey! I'm Debbie. 

Meet debbie

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Stay In Touch

Find a quiet space to enjoy your hot cuppa and settle in with a letter from my home to yours.

It's full of ideas to cultivate simplicity, peace and purpose back into your home, your heart and your family.

Thank You

It is my hope that us, as mothers, learn to love and encourage our husbands. To raise our children well and prepare them for the future to come. To have an open door and a warm cuppa, without notice, for any person in our community who needs us.

Most of all I want us to recognise this...

Within our highest calling as a mother comes a responsibility of the legacy we are leaving. What we sow into our children now, will impact the future they live in and generations to come.

© Debbie Spellman 2021. All rights reserved. | Legal | Design by TONIC



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